Your digital presence has to be on point. It is your greatest marketing tool. Your website can drive donations, connect people to life-saving resources, and spread awareness of your cause. But it can only do all these amazing things (and more) if it is a functional and appealing website. Check out these four recent website redesigns Mittun made for a few of our clients.
But first how do you know if your website leaves something to be desired?
Mind-1-1 is a mental health service directory that connects people with resources that can help to improve their mental health.

Their original website did not reflect the great resource they had in mind. Without being able to browse the directory, it made it hard for people to find the help they deserved. So they called on Mittun to create a solution.
The end result was a website that went beyond a simple directory. is a safe space in the digital realm to educate people on mental health, show them what treatment looks like and direct them to resources. Through various filters and categories, users can narrow down search results by area of concern, age group, costs, language, type of therapy and much more. Through an improved website, more people are being helped.
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Food Share
Food Share started in 1978 when eight friends worked together to provide food to those in need under a single bridge in Ventura County. Quickly, they outgrew the garage they were operating out of, and now they distribute over 17 million pounds of food each year.

Food Share wanted to do even more good, but their “Ways to Give” page was missing a few key components to make it a promotable landing page.
By updating the layout and the copy, adding more graphics, and incorporating stats and facts, Food Share was able to promote their landing page. In addition, the new page made people feel good about giving. It didn’t just ask them to give – it showed them how their donation would make an actual difference in a real person’s life.
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Wantagh-Levittown Volunteer Ambulance Corps
The WLVAC is the Wantagh-Levittown Volunteer Ambulance Corps founded in 1956 to address the community’s need for immediate medical response.

The original WLVAC website had all the info, but it was not an effective tool for the organization or its visitors. The website was not organized, the design was outdated, and the volunteers were unable to update the site on their own.
With their new Mittun Made website, the WLVAC website is more than just some pages on the web. It is an appealing digital presence that makes it easy for people to find out how to volunteer, how to support their events and how to donate. The previous site only allowed donors to give in increments of $10, which prevented many from giving in a way that felt accessible. And the site is not only user friendly, but owner friendly as well. Volunteers of the WLVAC can easily update the content themselves without having to call on a web developer every time.
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Faith in Practice
Faith in Practice is a non-profit Christian organization that seeks to improve the physical, spiritual and economic conditions of the people of Guatemala.

Faith in Practice came to Mittun when they realized just how outdated their website was. The navigation often led visitors away from their site, causing them to miss out on possible donations. And while they had a lot of great, quality content, it was not organized in an appealing way that engaged visitors.
The new design is modern, easy-to-use, and impactful. One of the biggest updates was with their multi-author blog. Faith in Practice wanted to share the stories of their various projects in a clear and inviting way, so Mittun built a custom blog page that grouped their missions. The donation process was also streamlined so that donors never leave the Faith in Practice website. This keeps the donor more engaged and allows Faith in Practice to have more control over the donor experience.
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What's Next?
Nonprofit website UX/UI is constantly evolving. From new fundraising plugins to cryptocurrency donations, the ever-changing nonprofit industry needs updated websites in order to keep up. A nonprofit redesign, or even a slight updated, can improve SEO, conversion rates and credibility.
Want to see even more nonprofit website updates? Check out these other Mittun Made redesigns:
If you’re questioning whether or not your site is up to speed, there is a good chance at least a few elements could use some tweaking. Mittun is the premier website provider for food banks and nonprofits and can prevent your site from getting dusty.
Could a redesign or an updated improve your nonprofit or food bank?
Contact Mittun for a free assessment today.