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If you’re thinking right now, “maybe I don’t need a logo at all”, don’t listen to that little voice in the back of your mind! It couldn’t be more wrong.

Having a logo is substantial to a new brand. Without it, it’s difficult to capture attention, make strong first impressions and develop trust with your audience.

After you’ve developed your brand, brand consistency is essential. But that’s a whole other conversation that we have for you to learn about here.

We were very excited to give this new foundation a recognizable look. Below was our process for this new logo.


Gut test

We want your “gut reaction”. Tell us what you love, what you hate, but most importantly, be honest and detailed so we can best understand what style(s) you are into the most.


Refined Gut test

We transform your initial thoughts and ideas from the gut test in phase 1 into rough draft of possible logos for your brand. Now is also a good time to consider color palettes!


Logo Options with Color

You picked some of your favorites from phase 2, we revised and added some color to bring these to life. Now it’s time to narrow down the options!


Refined Logos

Now we’re getting more specific about the way letters look, font weights, the sizing of icons, the orientation of the logo, and more. We continue to modify and refine your favorites even more.


Select and Revise

Time to pick your favorite! We’ll make slight adjustments and work on the final deliverables!

Go take a look at the AJA Foundation’s logo on their new website to see how this brand/look all came together.

Want to see more logos we’ve created? Click here.

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Congrats on your new brand!

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